Planning to revamp your space this spring? Kim Slattery, Window Covering Specialists from Nufloors Vernon, shared her thoughts on why honeycomb blinds are a great investment and addition to any home and space. Not only do window treatments add to your aesthetic and overall interior design, but they also allow for the right amount of sunshine to come through so you can enjoy the most out of your home all year round. Finally, the investment will save you on your heating and cooling bills, which we will explain in just a moment.
“With dozens of fabrics, textures and opacity options you are able to create the desired look and feel for each room in your home.” – Kim Slattery, Nufloors Vernon
The best part, regardless of what you choose for the inside in terms of colour and opacity, the outside of the honeycomb is white, so you will always have a seamless look from the street for increased curb appeal.

On top of having endless style options, you have the power to control your ideal light level and privacy. This is because honeycomb blinds come with the top-down / bottom-up option so you can customize the exact position of your shades.

Energy Efficiency
We’ve talked about how beautiful and stylish honeycomb blinds are, so now it is time to discuss how they can reduce your energy bill. You might be wondering how window coverings could possibly make your home more energy efficient, but it’s true!
“The cells trap the air coming through your glass and provides improved insulation so you can enjoy more comfort during every season.” – Kim Slattery, Nufloors Vernon
In fact, with honeycomb blinds, in the colder months, the warmth will stay inside the home, escaping up to 40% less through the windows. In the warmer months, the shades will block up to 80% of solar heat which will decrease your cooling costs. The investment will pay itself off through the savings you’ll see on your energy bills.

UV Protection
Did you just invest in new flooring or furniture? UV rays can actually cause your floor or furniture to fade and/or deteriorate. Even on cloudy days, damaging UV rays can make their way into your home.
With the top-down / bottom-up shades, you can position your shades to block the sun’s harsh rays while still bringing in that beautiful natural sunlight, which we’re all craving after the winter.

Ready to update your window coverings? Contact the Window Covering Specialist at your local Nufloors or stop by the showroom to browse the various styles and test out the lifting/operating systems to find the window covering that best suit your needs.
*Please note only the following Nufloors locations carry Window Coverings: Camrose, Creston, Fernie, Grande Prairie, Kamloops, La Crete, Quesnel, Salmon Arm, Saskatoon, Simcoe, Slave Lake, Terrace & Vernon.